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Help Select the Best ATE Paper of 2020

Test Vision and the Test Technology Technical Council (TTTC) originally created the Best ATE Paper Award to spotlight advances and stimulate innovation in the ATE industry. The selection of the Best ATE Award has continued to be generously supported by SEMI through Test Vision held in conjunction with SEMICON West.

The selection criteria are based on originality, importance, and clarity. 

Please vote for your top choice to receive top honors for the Best ATE Test Paper for 2020.

Voting closes on November 26th, 2021. Link to Survey:

This year’s top 3 finalist are as follows:


“Applicative System Level Test introduction to Increase Confidence on Screening Quality”


P. Bernardi, M. Restifo, M. Sonza Reorda from Politecnico di Torino,Dept. of Control and Computer Eng., Torino, Italy

D. Appello, C. Bertani, D. Petrali from STMicroelectronics Srl, Automotive Product Group, Agrate Brianza, Italy

From SW Test

“Innovative strategies for improved test measurements using Kelvin contacts with a Flying prober”


Sebastiano GRIMALDI –STMicroelectronics, Andrea FURNARI –SPEA, Hermann HIDEN –Mechatronic, Alessandro ANTONIOLI -Technoprobe

From TestConX

“Socket Design and Handler Integration Challenges in Over the Air Testing for 5G Applications”


Natsuki Shiota, Aritomo Kikuchi, Hiroyuki Mineo, Jose Moreira and Hiromitsu Takasu from Advantest


IEEE Computer Society-Test Technology Technical Council

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